
Seit vielen Jahren helfe ich Menschen, Spanisch zu lernen. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die Sprache an sich, sondern auch um den alltäglichen Umgang in ganz verschiedenen Sprachsituationen im privaten und beruflichen Umfeld.

Das sagen Andere über mich:

My business Spanish has improved considerably so that I can now move with ease and confidence in a Spanish-speaking business environment giving presentations, having conversations over lunch or doing small-talk. The teaching method is very efficient and goal-driven, always related to current political or business developments which provide for a wider context and allows me to feel fully immersed in the country and the culture.

Dr. Christoph Kiegler

KPMG Partner

Isabel is a wonderful Spanish teacher. She is patient and detail oriented, paying particular attention to areas that I find challenging. She makes classes fun and interactive, while also ensuring I learn more each time. I would recommend learning Spanish with her because her positive attitude makes you look forward to each lesson. I no longer feel nervous trying to speak Spanish.

Eva Bearryman

Communications Manager EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe (Paris Office)

Ich begann 2019 meinen Online-Einzelunterricht bei Isabel, mit dem Ziel, das spanische Sprachzertifikat (DELE) auf dem Niveau B2 zu erhalten. Mir war es wichtig, zu Beginn meiner Karriere einen offiziellen Nachweis über meine Sprachkenntnisse vorweisen zu können. Im Gegensatz zu den Sprachkursen an der Universität konnten Isabel und ich in Einzelstunden individuell an meinen Schwächen arbeiten, sodass sich schnell deutliche Fortschritte bemerkbar machten. Dank ihrer Unterstützung habe ich die DELE-Prüfung im November 2019 erfolgreich absolviert und kann Isabel daher nur ausdrücklichst und uneingeschränkt empfehlen!

Marius Manke-Reimers

Postgraduate Research Fellow at German Development Institute (DIE)

Taking Spanish classes with Isabel has been really great. She was able to help me take my Spanish to the next level. All the lessons were completely customized to my learning goals and interests. I even expressed an interest in learning Catalan and she put together lessons for me, without hesitation. She is very flexible and accommodating. I liked being able to dictate the pace and direction of the lessons with Isabel's expert guidance and advice. She is always such a nice, positive and energetic person to talk to. Lessons with her are always an enjoyable way to start the day. You can tell she puts a lot of effort and care into each lesson and for each student. In addition, I feel that with Isabel, you get more than just the classes. She is always available to help when needed; whether it's daily content like new words or cultural learnings, helping you with your Spanish CV or any other Spanish-related things that come up in your life. She has helped me in more ways than I can count and for that I am very grateful. I would highly recommend Isabel to anyone interested in improving their Spanish.

Brent Bitzan

Sr. Product Manager - EU Home Innovation Program Amazon

Als absoluter Anfänger lerne ich in einer kleinen Vierergruppe Spanisch bei Isabel. Der Unterricht ist super strukturiert und das Verhältnis aus freiem und spielerischem Sprechen und Grammatik (Verben konjugieren, Zeiten) ist perfekt. Das Lernumfeld online funktioniert super. Über die virtuelle "Pizarra" (Tafel), didaktisch hochwertige digitale Unterlagen und Video haben wir neben der Sprache auch Geschriebenes im Blick. zu guter letzt kommt der Spaß beim Lernen auch nicht zu kurz. Eine absolute Empfehlung!

Stephan Eisenacher

Product Manager SAP Digital Manufacturing Cloud SAP

He tomado clases de conversación con Isabel porque me estoy preparando para el examen estatal de traducción español - alemán. En cada clase hablamos de un tema relevante para el examen a base de artículos de la prensa actual. He podido ampliar mi vocabulario y mis conocimientos de la cultura española. Isabel es una profesora muy amable, bien preparada y da muchos consejos útiles. Me ha ayudado mucho a alcanzar mis objetivos. ¡Gracias!

Meike Lux

DaF-Lehrerin Goethe-Institut e.V.

If you have somehow lost daily contact with Spanish but already speak the language well enough to communicate, you will need someone who can re-connect you with the language so as not to let your skills be eroded by silence and disuse. Isabel is that particular and unique person for this task.She can help you speak it better and familiarize you with the current lingua franca. She will help you fine-tune your speech and written language. When you are with her you will begin to remember all the things you use to know perhaps as a child or from the past and your speaking skills will magically come to fore. You will also learn many new things and in their natural context. Not all of us have the time or the treasure to take a long sabbatical in Spain to accomplish this. But Isabel would be the next best thing to regain and maintain your fluency when you are living and functioning in a non-Spanish speaking world.


Founder and Managing Partner of Law Firm

Kompetent, motivierend, ans Niveau angepasst, abwechslungsreich und effektiv - einfach gut!

Peter Ziganek

Senior Credit Officer European Investment Bank (EIB)

Me llamo Julia y soy representante de un fabricante de máquinas para el mercado español. La idea de hacer llamadas frías, concertar citas con gente desconocida y hacerles presentaciones a clientes nuevos me puso nerviosa. Para poder comunicarme de forma formal con clientes, decidí tomar clases de español. En la ciudad donde vivo no ofrecen cursos de español avanzado y no encontré profesores de origen español. Por eso busqué por internet y contacté con Isabel. Desde entonces hacemos clases una vez por semana. Cuando estoy de viaje de negocios, Isabel ofrece la flexibilidad de cambiar la clase para otro día. Los temas que tratamos siempre están adaptados a mis necesidades. Hablamos mucho, ya que para mí es lo más importante para aprender un idioma. Recomiendo las clases de Isabel porque es una profesora interesada, flexible, muy simpática y alegre.

Julia Winkler

Gerhard Schubert GmbH

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